IT/ITES employees extend solidarity with the nationwide general strike
Central Trade Unions have given a call for a nationwide general strike on 28th and 29th, March 2022 where more than 25 crore working people from various industries will be taking part. The general strike demands immediate addressing of a 12 major issues affecting the organized industries, unorganized sectors, farmers and the general people of the India. To highlight a few, repeal the labour codes, which would make working people legal-modern slaves, reduce the petrol, diesel and gas prices, implement the farmers demands, implement minimum wage for all, provide social security for all, etc.
IT/ITES employees work life will be majorly affected post implementation of the labour codes. Our job security will be at peril with inclusion of fixed-term employment, our social security cannot be guaranteed, redressal mechanisms are made virtually unreachable, working hours have been increased, work-from-home is not regulated as requested by NASSCOM, database of employees with 42 data points to be maintained and used as a tool to threaten all etc. All these are in the direction of reducing the stability of the IT/ITES employees work life and pushing us to precarious working conditions where we have to be at the mercy of the employers without any mechanism to raise our issues and demands. Working conditions at the mercy of the employer is slavery, we oppose that vehemently and demand a working condition based on law, rights, equity, democracy and justice.Â
Opposing all the ills of labour codes and the growing price rise which affects all the sections of people of our country, we extend solidarity to the nationwide general strike and will be participating in the protest happening on 29th at possible locations across Tamilnadu.